Storytelling and identity workshop

(14 – 26 yrs) all year


“Of course you fear me…
you don’t know who I am”

Our lives are made of stories.
The stories of our parents and the stories of our land, our culture and our nation define us and form our identity. These stories help us bond with some people but can also create a wall, separating us from others.
In a dynamic and playful way, through various exercises, storytelling games and the sharing of personal memories we will explore together the complex theme of what forms our identity.


COST with two actors € 500 / 1 hour + 0% VAT + travel costs (CJP payment available)
€ €750 / 1,5 hours + 0% VAT + travel costs (CJP payment available)
€1000 / 2 hours + 0% VAT + travel costs (CJP payment available)
DATE school years 2024-2025 and 2025-2026
TIME as agreed (1,5 hours, 2 hours, 3 hours or a full day)*
VENUE your school or a location you provide
AGE RANGE 14-26 (tailor made to age)
LIMIT OF PARTICIPANTS max 30 / session
LANGUAGE English**
ADVISED PREPARATIONS no advised preparation

* In longer workshops Raphael and Sahand will have the chance to create more individual and direct contact with the students and allow space for reflection and lively discussions.
** Sahand was raised in the Netherlands and he speaks native Dutch. This may make you more relaxed concerning the language issues your students may face.

Meet your workshop leaders

Raphael Rodan from Israel

Raphael is an actor, storyteller and workshop leader. He founded The International School for Storytelling and Peace with his friend, Arjen Barel in 2013. The school aims to contribute to a more peaceful world by training people in the telling of, and listening to stories and using storytelling as a tool to avoid separation and to increase mutual understanding.

Sahand Sahebdivani from Iran

Sahand Sahebdivani was born in Tehran in 1980 to a family of impoverished nobility, comprising generals, opium smuggles and mystics. He escaped the Ayatollahs at the age of three when his family fled to Amsterdam. Like all good Iranian parents his own wanted him to ecome a doctor. He surprised his parents and probably saved the lives of future patients by becoming a storyteller instead. For the past decade he has run Mezrab, the most popular storytelling centre of the Netherlands, hosting nights in Dutch and English. The Dutch storytelling society nominated him national storyteller of the year in 2012 and 2013. Since 2012 he’s started taking his energetic style of storytelling to international stages, performing in the UK, Germany, Hungary and Turkey.

Workshop Plan (1 hour)

This workshop length is ideal to give an introduction to students who are interested in storytelling. For the depth, we advise the 3 hours intense workshop.

Introduction Introduction to the presenters, the themes of the
workshop, and a short story related to the theme
5 min
Intro game Dynamic and playful game to break the ice 5 min
“Who are you?” Improvisation exercise in which the participants reveal
what they feel connected to and what not.
(this exercise will lead to forming groups of 4)
10  min
Personal memories
(in groups of 4)
Invoking personal memories from the participants’ lives.
The memories will be related to the theme of identity and
sharing with a small group of 4.
30 min
Presentation 2 volunteers share their memories in front of the entire group 10 min
Wrap up Feedback, last questions and answers 5 min

Workshop Plan (1,5 hour)

– this workshop length is ideal for a creative, interactive work with lively and deep conversations!

Introduction Introduction to the presenters, the themes of the
workshop, and a short story related to the theme
10 min
Intro game Dynamic and playful game to break the ice 10 min
“Who are you?” Improvisation exercise in which the participants reveal
what they feel connected to and what not.
(this exercise will lead to forming groups of 4)
10 min
Personal memories
(in groups of 4)
Invoking personal memories from the participants’ lives. The memories will be related to the theme of identity and
sharing with a small group of 4.
30 min
Frozen Images Exercise Each group chooses one memory and using themselves
as actors create 3 frozen images related to the memory.
15 min
Presentation Each group presents their images and share the memory 10 min
Wrap up Feedback, last questions and answers 5 min

Booking and information

T: +31 6 20431919
