The Power of YOU Workshop

(12 – 26 yrs) all year

Finding your inner confidence through drama


We are delighted to offer a new drama workshop that will not only engage and entertain your students, but also let them learn new communication, creative and empathy skills.

Everyone has something to offer the world, from their sense of humour to their intellect or talent. However, one of the most powerful tools at any person’s disposal is a simple one: to make a good first impression.

The ability to be comfortable in your own skin, confident in your own person and proud of your own voice is a skill that transcends the classroom or workplace – your inner confidence can be the support you need to help you embrace all aspects of life, no matter how daunting.

Joanna Lucas (UK) will show your students how participating in theatre games can actually help them in their personal – and future professional – lives, developing lifelong skills that are underrepresented in the curriculum. We are proud to offer something relevant, fun and incredibly powerful to those who are finding their feet in the world.


COST €390 / 1 hour (60 minutes, no break) + local travel costs
€585 / 1,5 hours (90 minutes, no break) recommended length
€ 1170 / 3 hours (180 minutes, with break) + local travel costs
DATE Anytime
RUNNING TIME You can choose to have a 1,5 or a 3 hours session. You can also suggest different running times.
VENUE Your school or a location you provide
AGE RANGE 12 – 26 years – the workshops are tailored to the age of your students

The workshop is the most effective and enjoyable for participants when there are maximum 15 students with a workshop leader. We advise two sessions OR two workshop leaders if you have more students than 15. Get in touch to discuss details.

LANGUAGE English (Joanna Lucas is from the UK)
REQUEST A SPECIFIC THEME Do you have a group of fresh first year students? This workshop can be a perfect ice-breaker and team-builder activity.

Or do you have a last year class? Why not arm them with some useful skills for their further studies or work? A fun and helpful workshop for all.

Key areas of focus

  • Non-formal learning through drama
  • An entertaining and engaging way to learn about oneself
  • Gaining confidence and owning your voice
  • Using theatre games to explore diversability, gender and social inclusion
  • Exploring interculturality – making contact in a respectful way

Key benefits to students

  • Communication skills
  • Creative thinking
  • Empathy skills
  • Develop resourcefulness – learning to adapt and thrive within given scenarios and limitations
  • Learning to be an active participant of a group
  • Exploring how to show your personality and let it shine

Meet your workshop leader

Joanna is a British actress. She trained at Drama Studio London, graduating in 2013, and since then he has worked in television, radio and theatre. Her work as a performer spans from new writing and contemporary drama to Shakespeare, with plenty of singing and dancing along the way! 

Ultimately, she believes in stories as one of the most valuable forms of communication. We see how news reports full of statistics leave us cold, but documentaries about the real people involved in tragedy, telling their personal tale, can be incredibly powerful. This belief in telling and connecting with stories has led her to work extensively with young people and adults as an English communication and acting coach, and workshop facilitator. She hopes to help people find their own voice, to tell the stories they want to share.

Photo by Mechelia Kramer
Photo by Mechelia Kramer

Workshop plans 

Workshop 90 minutes
This workshop uses a combination of drama games, exercises and group work to allow participants to feel safe to explore their own voices. Students will discover how their body language and voice affect not just how they are perceived, but also how they feel when presenting themselves to others.

Workshop 3 hours (half day)
As with the shorter workshop, students will use drama games, exercises and group work to explore how their posture, body language and vocal quality affect their own confidence. They will use their discoveries to develop their presentation and public speaking skills, culminating in a short presentation to their peers to finish the session.

Booking and information

T: +31 6 20431919
