Storytelling Workshop
Finding the light in your story / Telling from a place of Love
The Hague Storytelling Festival presents this unique workshop led by our friend, the Iranian master of storytelling, Sahand Sahebdivani! He will teach you the fundamentals of his craft. This is also an opportunity to hear him talk about himself and why he became what he is. Storytelling is at its best when you have a strong connection to the topic – when you tell from the heart. As a professional, he will share effective tools to create a capturing story with engaging characters, based on your own life. He will show you how to find the light in your own story and how to tell it from a place of LOVE.
Meet Sahand (Iranian-Dutch)
Sahand Sahebdivani was born in Iran and raised in the Netherlands where he studied storytelling, screenplay writing and music. Since 2004 he operates the Mezrab Cultural Centre, a renowned centre for storytelling and other arts. He has worked both in Dutch and Persian language media as a writer and programme maker on a variety of cultural, social and political issues. When he’s not in Amsterdam he’s touring the world with his band, his story shows and/or his storytelling workshops. Since 2018, together with Raphael Rodan, he has worked as the Artistic Director of the Amsterdam Storytelling Festival. The vision of the festival is to link the ancient art of storytelling with today’s most current burning questions.

STET Education
This workshop is part of the STET Education programming. Since 2013 STET Education offers workshops and performances at schools or in the theatre, and since 2016 we also have open workshops for individuals led by international performers. We highly value the direct contact with teachers, students and audience members. Our successful education department is in touch with over 300 international and Dutch schools nationwide. Yearly over 2000 students at primary and secondary level are involved in STET Education programmes. Theatre education has proved to be a unique way of learning, gaining insights in drama techniques, storytelling, communication and most importantly learning about oneself.
For more information and bookings, please get in contact us at education@theenglishtheatre.nl
or +31 6 20 43 1919