Birth Preparation Course
By Ori Lenkinski
Sunday performance only
Birth Preparation Course is an interactive ‘lesson’ on human reproduction taught by a future species in deep space. The performance focuses on the placenta, a mysterious, often hidden and essential organ. Tel Aviv-based dancer and choreographer Ori Lenkinski combines text, movement, music, props and audience participation to share information about how each and every human came into being.
“’Birth Preparation Course’ by Ori Lenkinski is a brilliant show, superbly acted and riotously funny, but its worth is nestled in the important criticism it presents on the warped social perception about pregnancy and birth.” – Noa Limone, Haaretz
“It was an evening made with great talent and sophistication that brought many a smile to the faces of the audience members.” – Ora Brafman, DanceTalk
“The play is light, funny, amusing and most importantly, moving.” -Liat Baron, Women’s Magazine
“There is a double transformation. One sees the beauty and the aesthetic, the humor and the irony, which takes back control of the female body and presents it as she sees and experiences it.” – Anat Zecharia, Hamevakeret

Concept, choreography and performance: Ori Lenkinski
Lighting Design: Netta Koren
Set Design: Avidan Ben Giat
Stage Management: Alina Zhutovsky
Music: Walter Wanderley, Meara O’Reilly, Roisin Murphy, Brian Eno, Techtronics, Sonnymoon, Barbara Lewis
Joining the STET Spotlight Talk on 14th May:

Roos Wessels
To become a doula is a wish to integrate more feminine energy and feminine power in my work. My goal as a doula would be for parents to look back positively on the birth of their child, no matter how that birth turned out. In addition to that I believe in the importance of being well informed and to stand behind the choices you make. Besides to being a doula in training I’m a high-school art teacher, mother to Ben (4) and Wies (2), founder of a bookclub, babywearing consultant and a sensitive, positive and adventurous person. Following Pippi Longstocking I always like to say: I have never tried that before, so I think I should definitely be able to do that.
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