Meet&Talk about art and gender on Sunday 21 November 2021 17:00
Travis Alabanza and STET invite you for an open conversation about gender diversity in your programmes and art. This gathering aims to connect trans and queer artists, performers and programmers to make gender diversity more accessible and visible through art. You are welcome to exchange, meet, share or simply network in a small and safe setting.
Scenes from the location
STET Education
This event is part of the STET Education programming. Since 2013 STET Education offers workshops and performances at schools or in the theatre, and since 2016 we also have open workshops for individuals led by international performers. We highly value the direct contact with teachers, students and audience members. Our successful education department is in touch with over 300 international and Dutch schools nationwide. Yearly over 2500 students at primary and secondary level are involved in STET Education programmes. Theatre education is a proven way of non-formal learning, gaining insights in drama techniques, storytelling, communication and most importantly learning about oneself.
For more information and bookings, please get in contact us at
or +31 6 20 43 1919